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  • January 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021

    Recipe Box: Try these healthy comfort foods

    If you’re looking to kick-off the new year with a healthy start, Milestones has a couple recipes to get you started.

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  • January 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021

    Tips to ease winter joint pain

    For some older adults, colder weather means an increase in joint pain and arthritis symptoms. Here are some tips to help you get moving.

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  • January 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021

    Start the new year off with a positive mindset

    Resolutions are a great way to welcome in the new year. But don’t go overboard, and be flexible

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  • January 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021

    Free home internet access for kinship caregivers of Philadelphia schoolchildren

    PHLConnectED is a City program that provides free internet to Philadelphia K-12 families who need reliable internet service in Philadelphia, including older adults who care fo...

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  • January 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021

    Philadelphia native explains the secret to a century well-lived

    Martha Louise Gray doesn’t know what 100 is supposed to feel like. To her, age doesn’t coincide with any particular feeling,

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  • January 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021

    Healthy mind, healthy body: Staying engaged while staying home

    As the pandemic has separated us physically, technology has greatly assisted in helping to bridge those social gaps while families and friends remain at home.

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  • January 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021

    SHOP SMALL: How to safely support local businesses

    While shopping looks different from previous years due to COVID-19 and the restrictions and precautions put in place to aid people in staying safe, there are still many ways t...

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  • January 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021

    National Day of Service honors Dr. King’s legacy

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pushed civil rights to the top of America’s agenda.

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  • December 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020

    Happy New Year! 2021 brings hope, possibility

    January typically brings a fresh slate, a new 365 days of opportunity. The excitement to start a new year has never been greater.

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