Community & Connection
Employment & Job Training
Employment & Job Training

PCA funds two employment programs in Philadelphia to help older adults learn valuable job skills and find new employment.

Employment Programs for Older Philadelphians
Mayor’s Commission on Aging |
JEVS Career Solutions for 55+ at PA CareerLink Suburban Station |
1401 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1610 Program features:
123 South Broad Street, 7th Floor Program features:
Mayor’s Commission on Aging
1401 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1610
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Program features:
- Job counseling and job search training
- Placement in federally subsidized employment 20 hours per week in non-profit and public agencies
- Referrals to full- and part-time jobs
- Income eligibility guidelines apply
JEVS Career Solutions for 55+ at PA CareerLink Suburban Station
123 South Broad Street, 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Program features:
- Career counseling and placement assistance
- Access to workshops on understanding transferable skills, computer and internet use, and resume and interview preparation
- Referrals to training programs, social services, and job fairs
- Access to computer labs and on-line job leads
- Services are available at no cost