What Do Older Adults Really Think About the 2024 Election? ABC News’ Martha Raddatz Gets the Inside Scoop at PCA’s Southwest Senior Center
By Bill Conallen
Martha Raddatz of ABC News recently visited PCA’s Southwest Senior Center on April 26 to interview older adults about the 2024 election. She interviewed five older adult senior center members on issues important to them and any concerns regarding the age of the two main contenders, Former President Trump, and President Biden.
King Corneh shared his belief in the power of innovation to drive economic growth and job creation. Nancy Gamble expressed her support for a candidate who prioritizes strong support for programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and social security. Patricia Robinson emphasized the need for a strong national defense strategy.
Carolyn Sims-Nesmith voiced her concerns about the rising healthcare costs and the need for a candidate who can address this issue effectively. While Priscilla Lee-Walters stressed the importance of combating climate change and protecting the planet for future generations.
Whatever direction the conversation took, all participants agreed that the 2024 election is crucial for the future of the country and urged their fellow citizens to be informed and engaged in the democratic process without discriminating based on the age of either major candidate.
In case you missed it, click the link to see what some of the center’s older adults had to say regarding the upcoming election: https://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/video/bidens-age-forefront-voter-concerns-pennsylvania-98970038