Ways to preserve memories for future generations
By Mary Anna Rodabaugh
Today, it is easier than ever to preserve precious moments and timeless memories. Smartphones have large storage capacity for digital photos. Video calls with loved ones can be recorded and viewed later. Craft stores offer abundant supplies for scrapbooking. Here are some ways you can preserve your favorite memories.
Print or restore your photos
If you or a loved one uses a smartphone to capture digital photos, you can easily print your favorite photos to display around your living space. Local pharmacies, and other retailers, have photo centers on-site and online. Simply ask a store employee for help, select your photos on the screen and the size of each photo. Within minutes, you’ll receive prints of the photos you selected.
Create photo keepsakes
Another option is to use an online photo printing service. You can upload digital images right from your smartphone. You can also connect your smartphone or digital camera to your computer using the USB cable that came with it.
After uploading your favorite photos to your computer, visit a photo printing website to select, print and ship your photos. Many of these websites contain options to create calendars, blankets, mugs and other items featuring the photos you choose.
For a more hands-on experience, visit your local craft store or online retailer to purchase a large, blank book to use for scrapbooking. Gather sentimental items, such as photos, dried flowers, ticket stubs, receipts, pamphlets, postcards or anything else you find meaningful. If you need more materials to customize your scrapbook, you can purchase patterned or colored paper, stickers and other decorative papercrafting items.
The Resource Exchange, 1800 N. American St., is a unique place to find recycled art and craft supplies, as well as stamps, stickers and ink. If you have a surplus of crafting items you no longer need, you can donate these items for other artists to purchase and use. For information: 267-997-0060 | TheResourceExchange.org
Recipes to remember
Have a favorite family recipe? You can collect or write down your favorite recipes to share with the younger generations of your family. Buy a pack of index cards or a recipe keeper book, then write down all the important information others need to recreate the dish. If you have a lot of written recipes, you may want to create a family cookbook.
Tell your story
Storytelling websites, such as PrivateHistorian.net, StoryWorth.com and StoryKeeper.com, have writers and editors who specialize in writing your life story or family history. Some sites can also create a short video with your stories. The staff will interview you and draft the manuscript, then the book is printed for you. You can order copies for loved ones.
You can also dictate your story to a loved one, who can type up your memories for you to turn into a book or keep on file for yourself.
If you do not want to put your memories into a book, you can have a loved one audio or video record you as you share some of your favorite memories.
Mary Anna Rodabaugh is a writer, editor and writing coach