Senior community centers in Philadelphia resume services
In March 2020, senior community centers throughout the city were closed to in-person programming for the safety of older adults. With approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, centers began providing Grab & Go meals and virtual programming to older adults.
Beginning the last week of June 2021, most of the 28 senior centers and satellite meal sites that are operated or funded by Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) had soft openings. Centers resumed limited in-person programs and services, with required pre-registration and pre-screening to attend. Each center will set its own schedule for in-person programming. The Grab & Go meal program will continue in place of the daily hot meals that senior centers provided in congregate settings prior to the pandemic until further notice.
Until further notice, masks are required at all locations, regardless of vaccination status. While COVID-19 vaccination is not required to attend senior centers, it is recommended. All staff, volunteers and attendees are to practice three-foot social distancing until further notice. Virtual programs will continue to be available for older adults who are not able to attend centers in person. Shared Ride transportation is expected to be limited due to staffing issues reported by SEPTA.
Older adults who wish to attend senior community centers are encouraged to contact the center directly for specific details about its programs, operations and COVID-19 protocols. For a directory of senior centers in Philadelphia or to find the closest center, go to or call the PCA Helpline at 215-765-9040.