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  • August 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021

    Lighting up Philadelphia’s arts, cultural scene

    Stepping into the Neon Museum of Philadelphia and seeing the original signs for iconic locales offers a nostalgic blast from the past.

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  • August 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021

    Need something to do in Philly? Here’s 100+ ideas.

    Whether you’re planning a staycation or escorting visitors on tour of the City of Brotherly Love, this book has got you covered.

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  • July 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021

    Use caution: Be street-smart to stay safe

    While you need to use precaution, do not let fear prevent you from enjoying the outdoors this summer.

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  • July 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021

    The safe return to normalcy

    After more than a year of missed social gatherings, the COVID-19 vaccines offer a safe way to gather with friends and family.

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  • July 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021

    Older adults share their thoughts on post-pandemic re-entry

    As older Philadelphians resume pre-pandemic activities, their outlooks and emotions range from excitement to fear.

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  • June 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021

    Summer safety as Philadelphia emerges from the pandemic

    The summer is shaping up to a season for revelry and relaxation. But there are still some precautions older adults should take to remain safe and healthy this summer.

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  • June 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021

    Release for America’s oldest juvenile offender

    84-year-old Joe Ligon finds a home in Philadelphia with PCA’s Dom Care Program.

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  • June 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021

    Enjoy summer’s bounty of fresh, Pennsylvania-grown produce

    These recipes incorporate local produce that older adults can purchase with free SFMNP vouchers from PCA.

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  • June 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021

    Philly’s urban horseman teaches kids horsemanship, responsibility

    The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club continues Philadelphia's century-long tradition of urban black cowboys and provides horsemanship experience in the inner-city.

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