On Giving Tuesday, please consider helping older Philadelphians in dire need
Today is Giving Tuesday. During the holiday season and beyond, there are many among us who face crises on a daily basis. Being on a fixed income, many older Philadelphians have trouble meeting their basic needs for heat, food, prescription drugs, and utilities. That’s where the Emergency Fund for Older Philadelphians can help. The Fund’s mission is to respond immediately to older adults in desperate situations. By working directly with third party vendors on applicants’ behalf, PCA makes sure that services can be provided immediately. For more information about the Emergency Fund, please click the following link: Emergency Fund for Older Philadelphians. Any contribution is appreciated.
Donations can be made securely to the Emergency Fund at the bottom of the following page: PCA’s Emergency Fund for Older Philadelphians or by selecting Emergency Fund for Older Philadelphians on our Donate page.
Thank you for your consideration.