Important voting information: Get ready for election day!
The Committee of Seventy has shared its November 2022 Election Guide to make sure everyone is ready to vote on Nov. 8.
Are you registered to vote?
To register to vote, check your voter registration status or update your information, visit You can also register in person at PennDOT or your local County Board of Elections Office. The last day to register to vote in the November election is Monday, Oct. 24.
Know your voting options
Option 1: Vote in person
Polls will be open on Tuesday, Nov. 8 from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. To find your polling place, visit
Option 2: Vote by mail
Voting by mail is safe and effective To request a mail-in ballot, visit The deadline to request a ballot is Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. After completing your ballot, remember to place it in the provided secrecy envelope before signing and dating the exterior envelope. To return your ballot, you can either send it by mail, deliver it in person to the County Board of Elections Office, or place it in a ballot drop box location listed on Ballots must be received by the County Board of Elections before 8 p.m. on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 8). To have someone drop off your mail-in ballot for you, call 215-557-3600.
If you have a disability that prevents you from applying in person for your mail ballot or delivering your mail ballot, you may designate an agent to deliver your ballot materials for you. In order to designate someone as an agent, you must fill out a form, which is available in English, Spanish and Chinese, on
Learn who’s on the ballot
The Nov. 8 election is a General Election. The offices on the ballot in clue Governor and Lieutenant Governor, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, State Senate, and State Representative. To learn more about specific candidates, visit to access a nonpartisan voting guide.
Know your rights
Every Pennsylvania voter is entitled to voting assistance.
Do you need help getting to the polls? Visit to learn more about free voter transportation options.
Do you need help completing your ballot? Whether voting by mail or in person, you are entitled to receive assistance while completing your ballot. Please call 215-557-3600 or email The first time you bring someone to assist you to vote, you will be asked to complete a form called a Declaration of Need of Assistance.
After you have completed this form once, a note will be made in your registration record. This form is available in English, Spanish, traditional and simplified Chinese, and Vietnamese. All polling places must have at least one accessible voting system. Sometimes this is the general voting system used by all voters. It may be a separate system with features, such as audio, tactile keys and other assistive technology. For information on your county’s voting system visit
Language Accessibility
Any locality with more than 10,000 people or over 5% of the total voting population that speaks a language other than English must provide voting information and assistance in that language. Philadelphia County is required to provide voting information and assistance in Spanish and Chinese. Voters who cannot read or write in English are allowed assistance to vote by a person of the voter’s choice. Voters who do not speak English are also allowed to bring someone to help them, as long as the person assisting them is not a judge of elections, their union representative, or employer.
For more information about the election and voting, call 1-877-VOTESPA (1-888-868-3772) or go to
2022 General Election Calendar
Oct. 24: Last day to register to vote in the November election
Nov. 1: Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot
• Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
• County Board of Elections must receive mail-in and civilian absentee ballots by 8 p.m.