Help for mental health issues is available
COVID-19 turned much of our world completely on its head, especially for Philadelphia’s older residents. When social isolation, boredom, loss and fear coincide, depression and anxiety can be the result. If left untreated, these issues can have severe adverse effects on older adults.
Hopefully, the worst of the pandemic is behind us. Now is a good time to check-in on how you’re feeling – mentally and emotionally. Philadelphia offers resources for older adults who need help with mental and/or behavioral health concerns.
Horizon House helps reduce isolation by utilizing peer support groups and provides activities and additional resources for people of all ages, including seniors, with mental health needs. 610-918-4907 |
Jefferson Hospital Geriatric Psychiatry Program is dedicated to the unique needs of older adults facing age-related psychiatric, medical and neurological conditions, like depression, dementia, Parkinson’s disease or stroke. 1020 S. 21st St. | 1-800-533-3669 |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call or text 988, 24/7, for mental or behavioral health crisis services. Trained counselors located at 13 Pennsylvania crisis call centers can immediately provide phone-based support and/or connections to local resources. If needed, a counselor can activate a mobile mental health crisis team to arrive on-site; provide therapeutic interventions; and/or make referrals for outpatient services or transportation for further evaluation.
Penn Geriatric Psychiatry improves the mental health and well-being of older adults by identifying the nature and causes of common problems, to use the most advanced treatments to help restore mental health and discover strategies to enhance resilience against stress late in life. 3615 Chestnut St. | 215-662-4508 |
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services’ PA Support & Referral Helpline: 1-855-284-2494 (TTY: 724-631-5600)
Philadelphia Area Older Adult Hoarding Task Force helps older Philadelphians who suffer from hoarding and provides a host of additional resources for consideration. Adults 60-plus: 215-545-5728 |
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging provides a detailed list of mental health resources that caters to older adults at 215-765-9040.
The Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services provides 24/7 resources for individuals in need of mental health services, regardless of the ability to pay. For a mental health emergency, contact the Crisis Hotline: 215-685-6440. For non-emergency help, uninsured or underinsured Philadelphia residents should call 215-685-5400 and Medicaid recipients can call 1-888-545-2600. For online behavioral health screening and resources:
SAGE National LGBT Elder Hotline delivers a host of advocacy connections, tools and supports locally and specifically for Philadelphia’s LGBTQ older adults. 1-888-234-SAGE |