Free home internet access for kinship caregivers of Philadelphia schoolchildren
PHLConnectED is a City program that provides free internet to Philadelphia K-12 caregivers who need reliable internet service in Philadelphia, including older adults who care for their grandchildren or other young relatives.
PHLConnectED offers two ways for free internet access to eligible caregivers:
- An in-home high-speed internet connection
- A high-speed mobile hotspot for families who are experiencing homelessness, in-between homes, housing insecure or where in-home connection is not possible
To prepare families for the new year with internet access to participate in remote learning, eligibility has been expanded to include Philadelphia K-12 families who have home internet access and meet one of the following criteria: participate in a public benefit program with income qualifications; have a child at home who is designated as an English Learner; or have a child at home who receives special education services.
The Aging Network and community organizations can help spread the word by using the City’s communications toolkit, which includes a flyer, sample social media messaging, images and outreach materials.
For information, call 2-1-1 (press 1 for English or press 8 for Spanish and translation services) or click here.