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Dom Care is another name for home

Bill Conallen

A special program in Philadel­phia offers an essential alternative to institutional living for adults, age 18 or older, who require assis­tance to live independently.

Philadelphia Corporation for Ag­ing’s (PCA’s) Domiciliary Care (Dom Care) Program offers adult participants access to reside in pri­vate homes with dedicated home care providers who are willing to create a supportive environment. The program ensures personalized care for participants, including medication supervision, house­keeping and assistance with bud­geting, and fosters a sense of fami­ly that is often lacking in traditional care facilities. Each participant’s needs are meticulously assessed to create a customized care plan that promotes independence, while en­suring safety and well-being.

PCA matches certified home pro­viders with those in need of a car­ing, supportive home. Dom Care residents are unable to live inde­pendently, due to physical, emo­tional or cognitive challenges, but they do not need special around-the-clock attention. Providers are people in the community who want to open their homes to provide care for up to two residents.

“For many individuals, Domicil­iary Care evolves into much more than just a temporary solution; it becomes a long-term home and an extended family,” said Shani Gilmore, PCA’s executive admin­istrator of long-term care. “I have witnessed, firsthand, how Dom Care has profoundly impacted the lives of our consumers. This pro­gram provides not only a safe and stable living environment but also a sense of belonging and commu­nity that many have never experi­enced before. Without the support and structure offered by Dom Care, some individuals would be facing homelessness, or even worse cir­cumstances, struggling to survive without basic necessities and care.”

Beyond meeting basic needs, the program encourages social engagement and fosters a sense of community. Participants are supported in pursuing hobbies, attending social events, and main­taining connections with family and friends. This comprehensive approach helps reduce feelings of isolation and depression, which are common among individuals living in long-term care settings.

Many participants view their Dom Care placements not just as housing, but as a true home where they can form meaningful relation­ships and receive the emotional support they need. Home providers often become like family members, providing companionship, care and a sense of stability that many par­ticipants have lacked in their lives.

The program also has a profound impact on the Philadelphia com­munity by providing an alternative to nursing homes and other insti­tutional settings. It alleviates pres­sure on the health care system and allows participants to age with dig­nity in a home-like environment.

“Older adults deserve to feel empowered in the knowledge that they can maintain enriched lives that keep them connected to the community they have come to call home,” said Cheryl Clark-Woods, director of the Caregiver Support Program at PCA. “In the process, countless Philadelphians have em­braced newfound connections they may not have otherwise been able to experience.”

Dom Care home providers needed

Do you have an extra room in your home and space in your heart? PCA aims to expand its Dom Care Program to reach more individuals in need. This includes increasing the number of trained providers and raising awareness about the program’s benefits.

Prospective home providers must complete a certification pro­cess to assure the homes meet fire, health and safety regulations. Providers must also have criminal history clearances; satisfactory financial, medical and personal references; attend ongoing train­ing sessions; and work as a team member with care managers and consumers.

Once certified, PCA care man­agers match individuals and home providers according to their pref­erences and work closely with all parties involved to ensure that the match remains mutually benefi­cial.

Consumer eligibility for partici­pation in the Dom Care Program is determined by a thorough assess­ment, completed by PCA’s Long Term Care Access department. Eligible participants must receive Social Security or disability ben­efits, or be able to pay a private monthly fee to their provider.

To learn more about Dom Care or to start the enrollment process, call the PCA Helpline at 215- 765-9040 or visit our website at

Categories: Elder Care Milestones eNews


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