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  • April 30, 2024Apr 30, 2024

    Join the pro-aging movement

    People are living longer, healthier lives while maintaining a positive view of their own aging. Yet, research shows that the public’s perception of aging is negative.

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  • April 30, 2024Apr 30, 2024

    Getting started with a walking program

    Adults aged 65 and older need at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking.

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  • April 30, 2024Apr 30, 2024

    Stop Senior Scams: Preventing identity theft beyond credit cards

    Most people associate identity theft with stolen credit card information and scams. However, there are a variety of other types of identity theft.

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  • April 30, 2024Apr 30, 2024

    Tsiwen M. Law advocates for Asian Americans

    Language interpretation services provided by Philadelphia city government came to be following efforts by Tsiwen Law and fellow advocates in the Asian American community.

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  • April 29, 2024Apr 29, 2024

    The arts spark ageless creativity, self-discovery

    PCA’s 22nd annual Celebrate Arts & Aging month-long festival in May, empowers older adults to explore their artistic talents.

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  • April 29, 2024Apr 29, 2024

    Celebrate Older Americans Month: Powered by connection

    By connecting with the elders in your lives, you can learn about your family history and share the rich stories that should continue to be passed down to future generations.

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  • April 25, 2024Apr 25, 2024

    WATCH: April acts of kindness: Volunteers shine at Norris Square

    PCA's efforts to empower older adult volunteerism across diverse communities was spotlighted on 6abc’s Art of Aging segment.

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  • April 5, 2024Apr 5, 2024

    Ways to reduce health care disparities in minorities

    Health care disparities are complex for many reasons, including lack of access, historical injustices and bias within the health care industry.

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  • April 5, 2024Apr 5, 2024

    Meet Generations on Line CEO & founder Tobey Dichter

    Generations on Line is a nonprofit organization that reduces isolation by providing easy, fast and free digital skills for older adults.

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