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  • December 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021

    Autoimmune disorders in older adults: What you need to know

    There are over 100 different known autoimmune disorders, where your immune system attacks your own body and causes damage.

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  • December 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021

    Profile in community service: Rev. Dr. Timothy Jones

    Service has proved a lifelong mantra for 75-year-old former U.S. Army sergeant, computer programmer and teacher, who also worked 29 years for Delta Airlines.

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  • December 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021

    Spreading goodwill this holiday season

    Goodwill has been in no short supply in the time since we were all impacted by the pandemic. We have witnessed some amazing examples of humanity at its greatest.

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  • Hands on keyboard
    December 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021

    Philadelphia Households Internet Assessment Survey demonstrates older Philadelphians’ broadband subscription vulnerability

    The Philadelphia Household Internet Assessment Survey provides a report of the state of the city’s digital divide.

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  • November 1, 2021Nov 1, 2021

    Skin care and aging: Common concerns for older adults

    Years of exposure to the sun may lead to wrinkles, dryness, age spots and even skin cancer. Here are tips for dealing with common skin-related concerns for older adults.

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  • October 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021

    Leave your mark: Volunteer opportunities abound in Philadelphia area

    There’s no time like the present to invest your free time in serving others. Your contribution will be greatly rewarded.

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  • October 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021

    PCA is here to help older Philadelphians: 215-765-9040

    The one number to call for information about resources, services and programs to assist older adults and people living with disabilities is the PCA Helpline: 215-765-9040.

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  • October 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021

    Recipe Box: Meatless options for Thanksgiving

    Add these vegetarian dishes to your holiday menu: butternut squash steaks and sautéed collard greens.

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  • October 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021

    Nostalgia Corner: The Thanksgiving holiday’s Philadelphia ties

    Did you know that a resourceful and determined Philadelphia woman is responsible for the modern-day observance of Thanksgiving?

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