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  • June 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023

    Elder abuse prevention protects and empowers older Philadelphians

    The number of older Philadelphians is expected to increase 28% by 2030, so will the need for protective services to help victims of abuse, neglect, abandonment or exploitation...

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  • June 1, 2023Jun 1, 2023

    How Philadelphia is preparing for the next pandemic

    Communication was key during the COVID-19 pandemic and remains critical during an emergency.

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  • June 1, 2023Jun 1, 2023

    Keep protecting yourself, others from COVID-19

    COVID-19 still poses a threat of serious illness or death, especially to older adults and people who are immunocompromised.

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  • May 31, 2023May 31, 2023

    Older adult community needs impacted by COVID-19

    While in-person activities have resumed normal operations, local senior centers continue to work hard to help meet the needs of older Philadelphians in the wake of COVID-19.

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  • May 31, 2023May 31, 2023

    Program provides free or low-cost internet, devices

    Reliable internet is an essential part of daily life. Whether you are working, learning, or accessing resources, you need to get online to stay informed and connected.

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  • May 31, 2023May 31, 2023

    Preparing & protecting: Creating a safety net

    Among PCA’s greatest charges is to provide advocacy and protection for older adults who are being abused, neglected, abandoned, or financially exploited.

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  • May 26, 2023May 26, 2023

    Save the dates: 2023 PCA Regional Conference on Aging

    The 2023 PCA Regional Conference on Aging will take place October 24 – 26, 2023, at PCA’s historic Wallace Building.

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  • May 18, 2023May 18, 2023

    PCA’s Celebrate Arts and Aging artists honored at PECO Artists Luncheon

    On Tuesday, May 16, older adult artists participating in PCA’s 21st annual Celebrate Arts and Aging exhibition were honored at the PECO Artists Luncheon.

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  • May 11, 2023May 11, 2023

    PCA recognizes Older Adults Mental Health Day on May 11

    Philadelphia Corporation for Aging is proud to acknowledge the significance of May as Mental Health Awareness Month.

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