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  • November 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023

    Paul Nathanson: A Gray Panther and an advocate for elder justice

    There was a series of moments and more that led to Paul Nathanson’s celebrated career as a leading advocate for the aging.

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  • November 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023

    Life with blindness: Living the life you want

    Local resources help people living with visual impairment or blindness.

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  • November 2, 2023Nov 2, 2023

    Navigating the caregiver’s journey: Resources and resilience

    PCA offers a comprehensive Caregiver Support Program to assist primary caregivers who provide unpaid care for older loved ones or for a child relative.

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  • October 31, 2023Oct 31, 2023

    Recognizing, treating chronic lung disease

    A healthy senior adult should be able to do regular, daily activities without shortness of breath. If you can't, it's time to see a doctor.

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  • October 27, 2023Oct 27, 2023

    PCA’s “50 Years of Aging with You!” celebration exceeds $200,000 fundraising goal!

    PCA is eternally grateful to our generous sponsors and donors who contributed to an amazing 50th anniversary celebration.

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  • October 26, 2023Oct 26, 2023

    Scenes from the 2023 PCA Regional Conference on Aging

    As the 2023 PCA Regional Conference on Aging comes to a close, look back at the photos from this year’s Conference.

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  • October 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023

    Older Philadelphians provide input to help develop Pennsylvania’s Master Plan for Older Adults

    During August and September, PCA held 18 listening sessions across the city and gathered feedback and suggestions to help PDA develop its future Master Plan for Older Adults.

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  • October 12, 2023Oct 12, 2023

    Watch: Grooving with the Golden Years: A Fun-Filled Day of Health for Philly’s Older Adults

    PCA's 9th annual Senior Strut was spotlighted on 6abc’s Art of Aging segment, a news series that connects adults with various resources throughout the region.

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  • September 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023

    Ageism awareness: Changing negative stereotypes

    Ageism – how we think, feel and act –toward others based upon age is often fraught with prejudice or discrimination toward older people.

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